Monday, January 28, 2008

Your Lost Companion(s):

This party, like Lost, is the meeting of people who may not know eachother very well but have common links (mainly me) in their past. So, to make things easier, you have each been assigned a character I think identifies with you the most.


ME: Jack

Basically I am the organizer of this shin-dig, so I get to be whoever I say I am...but just for fun, lets think about it:
  1. Jack got the brains (on Grey's Anatomy I would be McBrainerson)
  2. Jack got the ladies (I went to prom as a SOPHOMORE)
  3. Jack got the curse (both addicted to pain killers...him: Oxycontin. Me: my ipod, a warm glass of milk, and 3 hours worth of Enya cued up).

I intentionally made it so Locke did not attend my party, because nobody deserves to be such a threat to take over my party in badassness.

Brianne: Claire

You are the sister of Jack (Robby) and the only person present who has a baby Aaron (Abe)You are currently in a relationship with a someone who thinks he’s a rockstar, Charlie (Jake), but is no longer (couldn’t be) with us. You pretty much get along with everyone here except Ethan (Ward), who wants to take you to his lab and shove needles in you (hang out) all the time.

Sara: Kate

You come off as a very sweet and innocent girl, but you can’t move from one place to another quick enough (can you say like 400 speeding tickets?). You’ve also had your share of run-ins with the authorities such as the US Marshal on board (bartender at the Wellington)…which is ironic because you were the criminal, yet everyone hated the cop (the bartender was a bitch).

Rob: Sawyer

You are a mysterious badass with an edge. You’ve killed a man or two (Halo), gotten with a girl or two (I have the texts to prove it), and even had a drink with Jack’s (Robby’s) dad. Watch out for that temper one second and love the next (road rage). And stay away from Kate (you heard me).

Karli: Libby

While you were not part of the original cast (from Richmond), you were definitely on the same plane and joined the group later ((married Mark, a Richmondite (obviously Hurley)). You both went to school for psychology, in which you parlayed into graduate degrees. Jack meets you with your annoying friend Ana Lucia (whiny becky) but luckily she was killed off (made out with). We later find out that Libby is possibly crazy (often sends back food), but she is also very nice and gave Desmond his boat (I don’t have a real life example of you being nice). You are going to yell at me for giving you a character that only existed for one season, but Libby is one of the most fascinating characters and will definitely be around (somehow) in the future.


The lovable yellow lab (please don't ruin my party)

THE OTHERS (Non Richmond Folk)

Ward: Ethan Rom

Lets face it, you work in a lab and are closest to Claire (Bri). We don’t know much about you, except that you know more about the island than any one of us (because you read spoilers ). Ethan Rom is of course an anagram for “Other Man” (you are probably the only one that knew that) and Bryan Ward is an anagram for “Bar And Wry”…which describes your home and your style of humor.

Mike: Ben.

You are often bitter and conniving. Everybody fears you because you are so well connected (family in the mafia). You met Jack (Robby) when you were captured and thrown in a makeshift prison (National City Bank). At first we only knew you by a fake name “Henry Gale” (G-Bo #2), but you have since earned your own name. You betrayed your father by killing him years ago (you became a Jets fan and your dad is a Giants fan), but I dont really think you care.

Jess: Juliet.

Like Ethan, you also work in a lab. By nature you are very calm and peaceful girl. Even though you are an Other, your allegiance to them is always up in the air. You have known Ben (Mike) a lot longer than Jack (Robby), but its pretty obvious who you like more. Although you spent a lot of time working with Ben (Deer Creek), you just want to get back to your real job of making babies (word).
So now you know who you guys are dealing with. If you know of anyone else that loves lost and would want to come, let me just getting started.


Blogger Bri said...

Very thorough and accurate analysis. And, freaking hilarious.

6:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never followed this program, but you have totally freaked me out that there may absolutely exist a cast of real people that coincide this show. I guess I need to watch.

10:26 PM  

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