Monday, May 22, 2006

True Identity: Spoiler Free

I pretty much know the people who have read my blog in the past…so I know a lot of you watch the same shows as I do…this is kind of about that…but its important for all to know that there are no spoilers herein…as I know several of you that watch 24 or Alias probably haven’t been able to watch both of them, as they were on at the same time. So don’t worry, I wont reveal anything. Its not so much about the plots anyway, or the even the shows themselves I guess. Without further adieu…

So tonight the TV gods frowned upon me…my two favorite shows, “24” and Alias were having their season finale and series finale, respectively, at the same time. It was very ironic considering my experience with these two shows. Let me splain. 5 years ago I was home from college getting ready to go bowling with some friends. My mom and dad were watching an interesting TV show with the bad guy from “Lost Boys” as the star. I started watching. Now I’ve never done crack, but I am pretty sure I know what its like…because if “24” came in a liquid form, and there were spoons nearby…well, I’m just saying…

Season 1 came and went. Followed by season two, which was even better. As most of you guys know, I am a loyal guy. I have my obsessions, and they have me. Its hard for me to be a “casual” fan of anything…but, as I found, its so much more harder on my health to be a “Robby fan”. I don’t need to tell you what went through my head when they took away my Browns, when Juan Dixon lit up my Hoosiers in the National Championship game…and worst of all, when my still beating heart was ripped out of my chest during that terrible, terrible inning of game 6 in the National League Championship Series. I still almost throw up thinking about that (oh im serious)…I am happy there was only one person in the room with me…had there been more I would have fewer friends today.

Which brings me to Alias. When it was first introduced to me I wouldn’t let myself like it. I had “24”… THAT was MY show. There were chunks of Sydney Bristow in Jack Bauer’s CTU issued boots. I would watch it, but kept it at a distance…never allowing myself to get emotionally attached…often even chastising it, and convincing myself it wasn’t a good show. Eventually, for a variety of reasons and influences, I began to soften. I let go of certain reservations I had always had, I stopped trying to sabotage myself from liking it…and actually finally let myself give the show a shot. Sounds kind of silly, but it’s the truth. And now that its over…I am so glad I did.

Obviously you know my dog, Sydney. We named her after the protagonist in the show because of all the similar traits I hoped my sweetie and our hero would have in common: intelligence, beauty, attitude, independence, style. But I also loved the name because it reminded me that if I give something a chance, if I allow myself to love something without subconsciously trying to destroy it, it just might pay off. And I am thankful I am reminded of that every time I look at Syd…even when she’s pissing on my bed.

So the show ended…final episode, whole shebang. Did it end the way I would have liked? Some ways yes, some no. It certainly reminded me of why I loved the show in the first place…so I guess it did its job. As many final episodes do it leaves it open…kind of teasing you as to what the future holds…but we all know spin-offs are lame.

“24” was great too…but I haven’t quite figured out the lesson in that…. except, perhaps, to never get involved in a land war in Asia.

But I think I already knew that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i don't watch either of your shows, but i do sympathize w/the pain of "the final episode". friends was a rough one, and i was very sad to see top model end for the season. why does it not sound as meaningful when i say it? so did syds seriously pee on your bed? b/c if so i'm giving her a doggie high-5 next time i see her :o)

11:18 AM  
Blogger INSwimmer said...

while Alias season finale was slightly predictable, i enjoyed it. 24 is rough. i start punching the air when i watch that show. it ended well, and next season i hear it starts the very next day.

5:07 PM  
Blogger Bri said...

24 is for losers. Alias is for slightly cooler losers. My takeaway message from the final episode is that Marshall is a baby making machine.

6:32 AM  
Blogger Keenan said...

If it doesn't involve Soul Patrol, Tyra Mail, or "You're Fired,"-- I don't understand what you're talking about.

5:34 AM  

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