Thursday, August 11, 2005

A bunch of things must have gone wrong if you are reading this. Whatever happened, I know you must be real scared. I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to head for your homepage. Maybe if I were you I would want to make a flat-out run to Bri’s Blog or maybe even Wards. Right now you’re probably filled with all the doubts in the world in my ability to write a blog. But let me tell you something. God doesn’t give you things he doesn’t want you to use…and he gave me the touch. It’s the power found deep down where I keep my guts. My faithful readers are just sitting there, waiting for a miracle. And if I write my heart out, I just might give it them. No bother reading any further if you’re turning back now.

Good. You’ve decided.

1st thing you have to do in order to read this blog is convince yourself that nothing can stop you. Your brain is a suit of armor, an Iron Eagle, that only my sardonic wit can penetrate.

Leave the rest to me.

Guess that’s just my way of saying thanks for coming back to my blog after all this time. My original plan was to keep this thing a complete secret until I had written at least a couple. At that time the pressure would be off of me to write anything else. Then I could slowly fade away into retirement with the occasional reunion blog. But of course Ward had to go post my blog site in the comments area of Bri’s blog…and we all know how psychotically addicted the readers over there are for a peak into the windows of other people’s lives (by the way, whats the deal with her not posting in DAYS, such a disappointment).

But today I was inspired. I don’t know what it was exactly…but I am sick and tired of a few things.

First, is the misuse of the word “genius”. OK, everybody is entitled to determine who they think is a genius for themselves…but lets not get carried away! I liken it to the way the Supreme Court determines weather something is pornographic or not…I just know it when I see it. For example…Eistein and Mozart are two clear-cut geniuses…there’s really no argument. Now I’m also ok with modifying the word genius to get more specific, and also a little less exclusive. For example: “Bob Dylan is a lyrical genius”, or “George Lucas is a storytelling genius.” Now I haven’t really gone that far out on a limb and some of you probably disagree with me. That’s fine…but I think decent arguments could be made for both of those men.

Now, a kid you went to high school with that knew the state’s capitals without hardly studying is NOT A GENIUS. Granted, Bismark isn’t very well known, but you get the point. When defending Michael Jackson, do not ever, and I mean EVER say “he’s really messed up, but he is a musical genius.” UGH. Thriller was cool…but something tells me you don’t forget how to be a genius…as in that genius thing would have kicked in halfway through the Album “Invincible” and righted the ship.

My absolute least favorite person that many people say is a genius is Eminem. This one just makes me sick. There should be a genius hall of fame, and in order to be inducted the nominee would have to get voted in by current members. These distinguished men and women would call the nominee into a roundtable discussion and then if it works out, they vote. Just takes a simple majority.
Goes something like this.

Leonardo Da Vinci: Mr. Eminem, please take a seat. Thomas Edison, William Shakespeare, Mozart, Einstein, and I would like to ask you some questions. Is that ok with you?
Eminem: My bum is on your lips, my bum is on your lips and if I’m lucky, you might jut give it a little kiss.
Thomas Edison: you crappin me? Bismark? Send that kid in.

All I’m asking is that we choose better words to more accurately describe people. If you think someone is a genius…try using the word “intelligent” instead. See if that works out for you. I mean after all, religious people all around the world subscribe to a theory that is known as “Intelligent Design”, which basically states vaguely that some unknown power (known to most as God) created the world as we know it. How in the hell is that not an appropriate time to use the word “genius”? We have a rapper talking about slapping his girlfriend and that’s “genius,” but God creating the world…no, that’s just freaking intelligent.

Anyway…I spent way too much time on that. Other qualms I have are with the misuse of the word “literally”, and also this whole NCAA mascot fiasco. Topics you have to look forward to I guess.

Till then, I bid you farewell.

Favorite quote I read this week:

“There are 10 kinds of people in this world, those who understand binary and those who don’t.”


Blogger Bri said...

Am I a blogging genius? Would that be a blenious? Also, I think we can qualify Eminem as a lyrical gangster with a straight up twist, or something like that.

7:15 AM  
Blogger INSwimmer said...

Let's just take a step back from this. No, I was wrong. I'm sorry. Take a step forward. Now take a step back . . . and then a step forward . . . and then a step back . . . and now we're cha-chaing.

8:18 AM  
Blogger Bri said...

dude, let's get going on your new blog. i might take your link out of my favorites ... i am tired of waiting! also, will there be a mention of the purple suited tow trucking man with church's chicken?

12:25 PM  

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