Thursday, June 23, 2005

Ok. So, I've read these things. Not really sure what all the fuss is about.
In fact, I can remember the first time I ever heard the word "blog". I was driving through Bloomington and listening to NPR (Who needs FM?!?) and learned that our extremely exclusive and sacred vault of words (as dictated by the omnipotent Webster) had two new members: blog and wedgie.

As I sit here now, I'm still only clear on the meaning of one of the words. I mean, on one hand we have a pain in the ass that is primarily associated with nerds; often irritating, usually degrading, a tad sad, yet occasionally funny. And even though they are given in good spirits, they almost always end up with someone in trouble. I think that pretty much sums that up, but what in the world is a wedgie?

Anywho, I have several problems with writing my own blog. These are issues I see that in order to have a productive blog must be addressed.

1. Do people really care about anything I have to write? I got over this pretty quickly actually. The answer is "no", however, people will read pretty much anything on the net when they are bored. I know this because it has already taken me 10 minutes to write this very sentence as I keep peaking at people's away messages. Most of whom are people I think I knew once, but I'm not really sure. Its like I know for a fact that I'll never talk to "former friend's name here" again, but golly im happy they can cut and paste Dave lyrics to share with all of us.

2. Do I actually want to dedicate my precious free time to writing? Well we'll see how that one goes. Im not promising anything. You'll get a blog here and there, but dont be tapping the refresh button expecting an hourly recap of my life. I wont write anything unless I feel it is worth being written...if you want life altering advice and direction and are a willing pupil to my teachings, then you are welcome here...but if you are looking for a blogged "Truman Show" then you'll be disappointed.

3. So what exactly will this thing be about? Well you should be accustomed to my writing style by now...Expect sarcasm, angry rants, gratuitous use of a thesaurus, and brilliant observations...all of which being expressed pretty much the only way I know how: through references to hit 80's movies. So fire up the flux capacitor and hang on, we goin for a wide. I mean life moves pretty fast, if you dont stop and look around once in a while you could miss it.

Greetings professor Falken. How about a nice game of chess?


Blogger INSwimmer said...

'Self-realization. I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, when he said, "I drank what?"'

7:42 AM  
Blogger Jill said...

Just a little comment about how you have the black background with white writing. I have difficulty reading that. It could be my right braininess,or that I am 51 years old and have bifocals. It's a strain. Love ya, Mummy

10:17 PM  

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