Saturday, February 25, 2006

Monday, February 20, 2006

“I am the descendant of a race whose imaginative and easily excitable
temperament has at all times rendered them remarkable; and, in my earliest infancy, I gave evidence of having fully inherited the family character.”

- Edgar Allen Poe

This is a test.

Are any of my former readers SO addicted to my blog that they actually took it upon themselves to visit, with the desperate hope that I have translated a morsel of my life into mere words, in spite of the fact that I have not written in AGES, and DESPITE my propensity to write run-on sentences?

You have passed the test, and you shall be rewarded. To collect, simply keep reading, for the window into my soul is rarely open…especially when the AC is on.

This publication serves a couple of purposes. One, I have a very adorable dog that has grown up a lot since my last entry, and I wanted to share. Two, much has happened since my last blog, and I thought it appropriate to catch everyone up.

I am in the process of improving myself. Not that I felt like the old version was all that bad…quite the contrary. But I feel like there is always room for improvement. Soo…I’ve started reading. I decided that the last book I “read” didn’t really count…because it was Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, read to me by some British guy on my ipod. As if it wasn’t enough that I was reading a book that millions of 10 year olds worldwide were reading…it was soo tough to read I actually needed someone to read it to me. However, it was in fact quite comforting. Every night, before I went to bed, I popped in my headphones and enjoyed my stay at Hogwarts. He did the voices and everything. It took about a day or two to get past a 60 year old man doing the voice of a 13-year-old girl, but once you let that go, you don’t realize you’ve read 9 chapters. It wasn’t so much different from when I was 4 getting read “There’s a Monster at the End of this Book” written by Grover. Except my mom actually showed more range as Grover than this dude did as Hermione Granger.

Since then, I’ve developed a liking to Edgar Allen Poe. It’s so funny, but even though we lived in worlds very different, we both have an intense fear of being buried alive. Who would have thought that?!? That’s one similarity I’m trying to build upon (drug addiction and depression, conversely, are not so much desirable).

If some of you don’t know, Sydney is the only girl in my life right now. Turns out she gets really jealous and I had to make a choice. It was the road less traveled, but if I wandered too deep into that forest I’d lose my way back...and by the time I made it back to the original fork, id be ugly. And that’s all I’m really going to say about that.

I’ve also resorted to drastic measures such as working out. I am generally against the idea…strength really isn’t anything that can help me right now practically, and otherwise its just a superficial improvement. But superficial improvement is better than superficial declination, so I said to myself, what the heck.

I guess writing in this thing is another way to improve myself. My most common method of artistic expression is through Claymation, but you never know who out there could steal my movies and screw me over, so I keep those to myself…for now. I’ve also enjoyed reading everybody else’s blog during my hiatus. Bravo, and keep it up.

More later (or sooner…I promise). That’s all for now…I’m out.